Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Guardian Angels

Do you believe in angles?  Well I believe there may be a lot of information in the world that suggest angels actually do live among us.   Some may say they are messengers of God, or still others may refer to them as spiritual beings.  And of course there are those who believe in no such thing.  They believe we are alone in this world with no outside help from any one; form God or from anyone else who may live on this planet or on any other planet.  This is a subject I would not normally write about.   But after what happened to me awhile back, and thinking about the incident for some time, I’m inclined to write about it now.

I was treated to a great kindness by someone I did not know.  This in itself is not unusual; people are usually kind to each other.  But this particular act of kindness came exactly at the right moment and time for me in my life.  One day I was down in my luck and was trying to get to a certain place in my car.    However my car did not have enough gas in it to get me to where I wanted to go.   It seemed to me that immediately after my car stopped on the highway, there was another car that also stopped. The man who was driving got out of his car, walked up to my car and asked could he help me.   At the same time the man in the car stopped, so did a man in a tow truck stop. The man who was driving the tow truck approached my car also. I told the man in the car that I had run out of gas.  He was very kind and gave me a twenty dollar bill to buy gas. There were no questions asked, such as did I have money for gas, or did I want to call someone to come and help me…no, none of the usual questions were asked.  After hearing my answer about being out of gas, he simply reached into his wallet and gave me a twenty dollar bill.   Then he turned to the man in the tow truck who had approached my car as well, and asked him to go get me some gas for my car.  The man in the tow truck accepted the money then went to his truck and drove away.  So did the man in the car, but before he left, he said that he wished for me to have a better night.   I only had to wait there on the side of the highway for another 10 minutes or so before the tow truck returned with a can full of gas that he placed in my car. Thanks to both men I was able to drive to a service station and get another 20 dollars of gas for my car.  To this day I am still amazed at how both men stopped at exactly the same time to offer their assistance to me.

What do you think?  Could this have been my guardian angel looking out for me?    Or was the sequence of events all a mere coincidence?  For more information on angels, please read the article by Nell Rose:   http://nell-rose.hubpages.com/hub/Angels-Do-you-believe-they-help-you-in-times-of-emotional-or-physical-crisis

Thanks for your visit toady, and safe travels to you.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Bullying is something that some of our children face daily when away at school, or when playing with other children.   It is a subject that we all should be out in front of so we can help provide a safer world our children deserve to grow up in.  I say this because so many of our children are bullied when they are away at school, and so many of them will not report the bullying to their parents or school officials.   Or, in certain situations when it is reported, it goes unpunished, or there is ineffective punishment.  It is astonishing to know that some of the people whose duty it is to protect our children from victims of bullying seem to have been missing in action.  Those teachers, counselors, and principals have not always responded to the child who is being bullied in a positive way.  However, I find encouragement in knowing that the spotlight is on this subject, and there is a zero tolerance for bullying in many of our schools.
We have heard of cases where children who were bullied became so depressed they felt the only way to free themselves was to take their own life.  One recent case was that of a young teenage boy named Jamey Rodemeyer.   Jamey was constantly bullied by members of his peers and decided to put an end to it once and for all by taking his own life.  The unfortunate thing about Jamey is that he was continued to be picked on by those bullies even after his death.  He was openly mocked, despite his death.  The comments made by the bullies susggested that they were glad he was dead.  Watch his sister’s interview with Anderson Cooper here.  "http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/27/video-jamey-rodemeyers-sister-bullying-continued-after-suicide/?hpt=ac_t5"

Also, Anderson Cooper hosted a town hall meeting on bullying which aired on CNN yesterday.   In the show, there was much discussion about “holding teen bullies accountable.”   The discussion on bullying revealed that not only the child that is being bullied needs help, but the person or group of people who are doing the bullying need to be helped as well. It seems that the bullies have problems that are difficult for them to handle, and they act out aggressively by picking on someone else.  Watch Anderson Cooper’s town hall behind the scenes show about bullying here:   http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/07/video-inside-andersons-stop-bullying-town-hall/?iref=allsearch

There is a website that offers an award winning book; ‘Don’t Feed the Bullies’ written by Brad Tassell.  It is available for purchase in an e-book format for only two dollars. The book’s author won the Top Choice Award for Best Teen Novel from flamingnet.com.   It discourages bullying, teaches children how to respond to bulling and is written in a light hearted and humorous style which makes easy reading for middle school children.  Also it is good for parents and school authorities to read as well.  So for only two dollars it is well worth the investment, plus there are other books available, including audio books.  So you can visit dontfeedthebully.com to buy a down load coppy for only two dollars.

Have a great day everyone.  Thanks for visiting.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Identity Theif

I posted a new article on Hubpages today on identity theft.  Please go read and leave a comment when you get the chance.  http://carol3san.hubpages.com/t/29efb4
Have a great day everyone.

Friday, October 7, 2011

My Weight Loss Stratergy

I'm setting here in my condo safe from the thunder storm that we are experiencing right now. I was surprised to see this development in our weather tonight. But then I didn't pay attention to the weather report today either. No matter. I had no big plans to do anything tonight anyway. As far as I am concerned this is the perfect time to work on my strategery to lose weight. Lately I've been stuck in a rut with the same old same old. No weight lose to celebrate or to get excited about. So at my own peril,, I am posting my new weight loss stratergy. I have had great success in the past by simply eating smaller portion sizes, and eliminating the use of sugar, and carbs. Also I was limiting my snacks to only once per day, usually in the afternoon. It was rough going at first but I adapted to it pretty well. But after two years I began having high stress issues and began to reject my diet that had gone so well for me up to that point. Initially my weight was around 400 pounds but over a two year span of time I lost around 175 pounds. I was still over 200 pounds and had a little longer to go to reach goal weight but thankfully I was in a much better position than what I was when I initially started this weight loss journey. I will share more of myself with you as time goes on but for now, I simply want to get my weight loss grove back. I will write out a strategy to help me stay on track. So this is what I will do: 1- Continue my eating plan as always and be strict with the portion sizes 2- Do some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. Break it up into two 15 minutes sessions if I have to. 3- Keep in touch with suppportive friends and family 4- Make a log in my journal daily with my food plan and include things that I find the need to express in writing. 5- Do what I like to do most....write and read. 6- Focus on myself more. I need to take care of me and to stop worring so much about other people. This is a great start. I believe if I do these things I will definitely be at my goal weigh within 6 months or so. Wish me luck everyone. I'll be routing for you too.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I am excited about starting this new blog with my name. My other blog: c.s.poetryandshortstories.blogspot.com is now retired. I will focus my writing more on weight loss and health related issues but will also write on motivational topics with the intention to inspire and encourage people of all ages. I will continue to review books of interest and will post poems I think you will enjoy. Thanks for stopping by.